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Kids, Family Stress, And Divorce


Tension is common within a family when a marriage is ending, both for the adults and for the kids. There is even stress when the choice to end the union is amicable. After all, even when the parents agree living apart is for the best, the children may be upset about the transition from one home to two houses.

Resources and professionals are available to help families manage the stress of divorce. What support systems will be helpful to you and your family will depend on your unique situation. Many find it beneficial to work with an attorney, a family therapist, and a financial counselor, for example. When you retain the expertise of a Tampa family lawyer, you can move toward real solutions, rather than repeatedly having the same discussions of what the future could look like.

Relationships Outside of the Family Unit

While arguments within the home are one issue, there are also often stresses surrounding relationship changes beyond the family unit. Kids may be navigating any or all of the following alongside processing their parent’s divorce.

  • A relocation means they don’t have access to their neighborhood friends.
  • Change in schools means loss friendships and connections with teachers.
  • Due to custodial schedules, extended family is not seen as often.
  • Children are introduced to new friends of their parents.

When a child’s parent begins a new romantic relationship it can lead to complicated emotions. In many cases it is best for the parents to avoid entering new partnerships until the divorce is finalized. Some parents even choose to have when children will engage with new romantic partners outlined in a parenting plan. For instance, you and your spouse could agree that there will be no overnight stays with romantic partners within a set period of time.

Financial Strain, Parental Conflict, and Heightened Stress

High conflict between the adults in a home is stressful for kids. Studies have shown children with separated or divorced parents may experience emotional distress and exhibit a poor academic performance when their parents are stressed, fighting, or having ongoing disagreements about finances and custody concerns.

Because of this, creating a well-crafted divorce agreement, complete with a parenting plan that outlines expectations and custody schedules, can help reduce stress and make a high stress situation as calm as possible. Working with a Tampa family lawyer can be a proactive step for you and could shield worries from children who are acclimating to a new lifestyle.

Have you been thinking about talking to an attorney about creating a parenting agreement? Wherever you are in the process, from considering separation to actively ending the marriage, family attorneys can inform you of ways to obtain your post-divoce goals and effectively co-parent your kids. To learn about what could be possible for you, share your story with the legal team at Blair H. Chan, III. No situation is the same, that’s why our attorneys listen closely  and compassionately to you before strategizing a path forward. To schedule your no-cost consultation, call 813-202-7831.

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