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Co-Parenting After An Uncontested Divorce


If you and your spouse are moving forward with an uncontested divorce, you know that you are agreeing to negotiate through key items, such as division of assets and debts and, if there are children, a child custody concerns. Crafting a parenting plan you both can agree to can be extremely helpful when co-parenting.

Discuss the particulars of your situation with a Tampa divorce attorney. For parents, it is not possible to cut all ties with their ex-spouses because they will move forward as co-parents. Talking through any scheduling and extracurricular issues now is a path to developing a parenting plan that will allow you to co-parent smoothly in the future.

Establish Ways to Communicate with Your Co-Parent

Trust can break down when a marriage dissolves, but you can create a different type of relationship as co-parents. For starters, many find it helpful to stop referring to the other person as an ex-spouse and begin to refer to them as your co-parent. This keeps the relationship where it needs to be, in the business of co-parenting.

Business relationships are established to obtain mutual gain, the same can be true in a co-parenting relationship. You will need to communicate effectively and have schedules in place. Agreements need to be clear and, when possible, in writing.

Establishing how and when you will communicate is helpful. Emotional discussions and daily chit chat is not required. Instead, focus on the business of raising your kids. Many co-parents are able to do this solely through electronic communication.

Assisting Kids with Transitions

While concise co-parenting communication may be awkward at first, it will become more natural over time. Even divorces that are uncontested can be emotional and upsetting. But you will likely find that clear expectations and communication will make co-parenting easier.

Similarly, you and your co-parent can smooth the shift from house to house for the kids. You and your co-parent could try one or more of the following to assist kids with transitions.

  • Give kids time to settle in when they arrive at each location rather than immediately rushing to events.
  • Have items at each house in case a child forgets something, such as a spare toothbrush, clothes, books, and toys.
  • Create a routine of a song to sing or a book to read together when they arrive

While there are basic guidelines that can help individuals build a productive co-parent relationship, it is important to note that each family is unique. To talk over co-arpent concerns you have, connect with a Tampa divorce attorney. A seasoned Florida family attorney knows how to develop a parenting plan that will secure the future you are seeking.

Do you have questions about how to set up a parenting agreement that will help you navigate co-parenting after an uncontested divorce? The legal team at Blair H. Chan, III can help. With expertise in developing legal agreements, we will work to secure the future you and your family need to thrive after a marriage has ended. Call 813-202-7831 today to get started.

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