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Elements Of A Florida Parenting Plan


In the event of a divorce, Florida courts work to do what is best for the children. Ideally, the parents will be able to find an amicable resolution between the two of them, often with the help and support of their attorneys. Taking time and care to be sure custody agreements and parenting plans are designed to suit the needs of your family is essential. Parenting plans are used by many parents as a document to guide them through their roles as co-parents.

While working through some of the key factors with your spouse is helpful, you may need legal guidance when addressing specific elements that need to be included in a parenting plan. An experienced Tampa divorce attorney can negotiate a parenting plan that works for your Florida family.

Schedules, Health Care Decisions, and Communication

Custodial agreements and parenting plans are designed around the needs of a family. For example, there are plans for when two parents live near each other and others to address responsibility division when one of the parents lives far from the other.

Elements that need to be included in a Florida parenting plan:

  • Explanation of how child-rearing responsibility will be divided.
  • Schedule of when each parent will be spending time with the child or children.
  • Decision on who has responsibility for health care and education decisions.
  • How communication will occur between the parties involved, such as choosing digital platforms or telephone calls.

Naturally, each of these items could be more extensive for some families than others. For instance, when it comes to educational decisions, your family might have specific desires connected to religious schools being attended or the need to go to a specific type of annual summer camp. Who can make those decisions needs to be outlined in the parenting plan.

Modifications After Time Has Passed

A well-crafted parenting plan will address the needs of the children involved and can be used as a tool for parents to effectively co-parent without conflict. But there are situations in which the needs of the children or the circumstances of the parents change over time. Then, a modification may be required. Modifications have been granted when one or both parents have moved or changes are needed for the best interests of the kids. Each situation needs to be assessed individually.

To draft a parenting plan or pursue a modification, talk to a Tampa divorce attorney. While small shifts in time-sharing schedules may be possible when parents are able to communicate effectively, large changes should be legally agreed upon and documented. A parenting plan that is working well will bring a consistency to the life of the children and allow everyone to communicate without conflict.

Are you a parent who wants to go over the specificities of a parenting plan with a legal expert? The legal team at Blair H. Chan, III has the skills and experience you need. We can draft a parenting plan that is beneficial for you and your children. If you have questions about the divorce process, call 813-202-7831 to schedule a consultation.

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