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Factors Reviewed When It Comes To Children’s Best Interests


In Florida, when it comes to divorce law, the best interests of the child is the primary consideration in all matters related to custody, visitation, and support. This means that if you are crafting a divorce agreement, it must be one that the court will see as being in the best interests of the child, rather than the interests of the parents.

To discuss what is possible for your situation, have a conversation with a skilled divorce attorney. When you share your post-divorce objectives with a Tampa family lawyer, they can inform you of what factors are considered when it comes to the best interests of minor children.

A Handful of Factors

The best interests of the children, when it comes to custody and visitation decisions, will depend on an array of factors. Examples of some considerations that could be reviewed include the following:

  • Mental and physical health of both of the parents.
  • Emotional and developmental needs of the children.
  • The ability of each parent to provide for the needs of a minor child, including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education.
  • The stability of each parent’s home environment
  • Any history of domestic violence or abuse.
  • Location of homes and where the child’s other supports are, including the child’s school, medical care providers, and other important resources.
  • Each parent’s willingness to encourage the child’s relationship with the other parent.

Each case is reviewed on an individual basis, so if your divorce does go to court it is possible additional factors will be reviewed as well.

Overall, the best interests of the child standard in Florida are designed to protect the welfare and well-being of children during and after a divorce. The court’s primary goal is to ensure that the child has a stable and loving environment, and that both parents have the opportunity to play a meaningful role in the child’s life.

Talk to a Divorce Attorney Early On

If you are considering a divorce and have children, it is important to talk to a divorce attorney as soon as possible. A divorce attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your rights and the best interests of your child are protected.

A divorce attorney has the skills and experience to craft a divorce agreement that will receive final approval, one that includes a custody arrangement that supports the wellbeing of your child and contains a child support agreement that is fair and reasonable.

Talk to a Tampa family lawyer about your plans for the future and what you think will be best for your kids once the divorce is finalized. And remember that when it comes to children’s best interests, Florida courts will take many factors into consideration. For instance, location, routines, health, and developmental needs are all important factors that the court considers when making custody and visitation decisions.

Could a lawyer help you achieve the child custody terms you are hoping to secure? Speak with the legal team at Blair H. Chan, III to have a legal expert pushing for your goals. Book a consultation today, call 813-202-7831.

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